‘Recreate Responsibly’ guidelines include:
1. Know Before You Go: Check the status of the place you want to visit. If it is closed, don’t go. If it’s crowded, have a backup plan.
2. Practice Physical Distancing: Keep your group size small. Be prepared to give others space.
3. Plan Ahead: Prepare for facilities to be closed, pack lunch, and bring essentials.
4. Play it Safe: Slow down and choose lower-risk activities to reduce your risk of injury. Search and rescue operations and health care resources are both strained.
5. Explore Locally: Limit long-distance travel and make use of local parks, trails, and public spaces. Be mindful of your impact on the communities you visit.
6. Leave No Trace: Respect public lands and waters, as well as Native and local communities. Take all garbage with you.
7. Build an Inclusive Outdoors: Be an active part of making the outdoors safe and welcoming for all identities and abilities.
Local & State Fire Safety + Awareness
During wildfire season in Montana, it’s important to be fire aware. Before you spend time outside, know how to properly handle fires and prevent their spread. Always check the area’s current fire stage before heading out: activities could be restricted.
Montana Wildland Fire Info
Current Montana Fire Information
Closures & Incidents
Red Flag Warnings
Know Campfire Safety - know how to safely light, maintain and extinguish your campfire. Drown, stir, drown some more, then feel. If it is too hot to touch, it is too hot to leave. Never leave a campfire unattended. Check fire stage for restrictions.
Check Firework Restrictions - fireworks are prohibited on public lands. Check local restrictions to learn more.
Dispose of Cigarettes Properly - throw away used cigarettes properly, not on the ground. Check fire stage for smoking area restrictions.
Maintain Your Vehicle and Secure Chains - before you drive, make sure your vehicle is properly maintained. Low tire pressure, worn breaks, loose tow chains and metal parts could all cause sparks while driving. It’s also important to stay away from dry grass or brush. The heat from mufflers and exhaust pipes can also start a fire.
Act Responsibly Around Wildfires
If there’s a wildfire in the area, please:
Give firefighters and their equipment space.
Do not fly drones over or near the fire. Wildfires are a no-drone zone.
Check current fire stages and restrictions.
Fire Stages and Restrictions - go to mtfireinfo.org to check the area’s current fire stage and full restriction details.
Stage One (Yellow) - no campfires or smoking outside of a vehicle, building or developed rec area.
Stage Two (Orange) - no campfires; smoking outside of a vehicle, building or developed rec area; operation of internal combustion engines; explosives; welding, or use of acetylene or other torches with open flames; operation of motorized vehicles off designated roads and trails, and more.
Closure (Red) - area is closed to all entry and recreational activities.
Violations can result in fines, imprisonment and liability. Exemptions per location, waiver, permit or official duty may apply.
Montana Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline
Contact 24/7, at 988 or by texting “MT” to 741741
414 E Callender St (406) 222-2061
Park County Emergency Services
414 E Callender Street
Non-emergency questions contact the Park County Hotline 406-222-4131 during business hours.
If this is an Emergency please dial 9-1-1
Receive real-time emergency alerts on your phone. Text your zip code to 888777 to sign up through Nixle
414 E Callender St # 1
Dispatch: 406-222-2050
Non-Emergency Dispatch 406-222-2050
Business/Civil 406-222-4172
Welcome to Livingston, a wonderland of vintage architecture and breathtaking vistas. In 1897 the Edison Manufacturing Company filmed a tourist train leaving Livingston, Montana. Ever since, Montana has served as The Ultimate Location for production companies and filmmakers worldwide. Hundreds of commercials, short films, music videos, and documentaries have been shot here. It's an ideal setting for many film and photography needs with a dedicated film ranch, experienced local crews, preserved historic town, active railroad, the longest free-flowing river in the lower 48 states, and stunning mountain, prairie, ranching, farming, and luxury lifestyle vistas. For many years and in many ways, Livingston has proven to be just the location that many in the industry have been searching for.
If you are interested in filming in the City of Livingston, please fill out the Filming Questionnaire and return it to:
City of Livingston
414 East Callender St.
Livingston, MT 59047
Additional questions, please contact the City Manager at 406-823-6000.
Yellowstone Film Ranch site in beautiful Paradise Valley.
Additional Resources:
More information at the Montana Film Office website
Montana Film Regulations
Alison Witmer, Montana Film Commissioner, allison.whitmer@mt.gov | 406.841.2881 | 406.461.8760
Sean Tippin, Locations Coordinator, sean.tippin@mt.gov | 406.841.2880
Stacey Zyliak, Media Incentive & Grant Specialist, szyliak@mt.gov | 406.841.2883
Partial list of Major Motion Pictures Filmed in the Livingston Area:
Rancho Deluxe (1975)
Amazing Grace and Chuck (1987)
Cold Feet (1989)
A River Runs Through It (1992)
Keep the Change (1992)
The Last Ride (1994)
Broken Arrow (1996)
Everything That Rises (1998)
The Horse Whisperer (1998)
The Hi-Line (1999)
Me and Will (1999)
White of Winter (2003)
Steal Me (2005)
Hoot (2006)
A Plumm Summer (2007)
Your Mommy Kills Animals (2007)
A Fork in the Road (2010)
Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs (2015)
Certain Women (2016)
Timber the Treasure Dog (2016)
Charged, the Eduardo Garcia Story (2017)
Broken Ghost (2017)
Walking Out (2017)
Wildlife (2018)
Yellowstone (2018-2024)
Robert the Bruce (2019)
Peckinpah Suite (2019)
The Last Beyond (2020)
A Montana Story (2021)
The Hail Mary (2021)
Mending the Line (2022)
Terror on the Prairie (2022)
The Old Way (2022)
God's Country (2022)
Candy Land (2022)
Murder at Yellowstone City (2022)
The Year of the Dog (2022)
Death on the Dearborn (post production)
Scraps (post production)
Organ Trail (2023)
The Old Way (2023)
Rust (2024)
Outlaw Posse (2024)